Gefördert durch die



Simulating Soft Matter with ESPResSo, ESPResSo++ and VOTCA

Veranstaltungsdatum:  9. Oktober 2017 09:00 Uhr  bis 13. Oktober 2017 18:00 Uhr

The school consists of lectures and hands-on sessions in two tracks, both for beginners as well as for experienced users of ESPResSo and ESPResSo++. Furthermore, there will be a poster session, where participants have the opportunity to discuss their projects with the other participants and the speakers, and a number of scientific talks where scientists will present recent research projects that were done with any of the software packages.

Interessierte sind zur Teilnahme herzlich eingeladen.

Organisiert vom SFB 716 mit Unterstützung von CECAM.


Veranstaltungsort:  Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569  Stuttgart
