Personen A-Z
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. techn. h. c. Dr.-Ing. E. h.
Thomas Ertl Teilprojektleiter D.3, D.4., Ö |
![]() |
Telefon | +49 (711) 685 - 88331 (VIS), +49 (0)711 685-88601 (VISUS), | ||||||||
Telefax | +49 (0)711 685 88340 | ||||||||
Raum | 1.445 | ||||||||
Link | |||||||||
Adresse |
Universität Stuttgart VIS, VISUS VIS: Universitätsstr. 38, VISUS: Allmandring 19 70569 Stuttgart Deutschland |
Sprechstunde | Whenever the door is open, otherwise by appointment. Secretaries:
Computer Graphics
Human Computer Interfaces
- Volume visualization | - GPU based techniques | - User interfaces for the disabled |
- Flow visualization | - Web based graphics | - Navigation systems for the blind |
- Particle visualization | - Graphics for mobile devices | - Semantic web and visual queries |
- Life science applications | - Graphics clusters | - Web-based learning platforms |
- Visual Analytics | - Non-photorealistic rendering | - Augmented and virtual reality |
Classes for this semester | Overview VIS teaching |
Diplom- und Studienarbeiten in Stuttgart (Web) | Diplom- und Studienarbeiten in Erlangen (PDF) |
PhD Dissertations (49 completed) (Hauptberichter) | PhD theses reports (46) (Mitberichter) |
Former PhD students and other Alumni | PhD Dissertation Projects (currently 17) |
CV (English 300 words) | CV (German 220 words) | image (wide) | above image large | My Wikipedia page | |
CV (English PDF) | CV (German PDF) | image (tall) | image with tie |
Publications and Projects:
Awards and Academies:
Chairing and Editorship:
Selected Program Committees:
Recent Talks:
University Service (in German):
Publications web page of the institute (by year) | All VIS Projects are listed separately |
My Publications web page (since 1995 alphabetically) | All my Publications PDF (chronological) |
My DBLP Entry | My Google Scholar Citations h-index: 54 |
I am on the Palsberg list of CS researchers | My MS academic search record |
German Research Foundation (DFG) Review Board Computer Science 409-05 (2012-) |
European Research Council Advanced Grant Panel Computer Science (2011-2015) |
Eurographics Association Chairman (2011/12) and Executive Committee (2004-) |
Conference Steering Committee IEEE Visualization (2004-11) (IEEE vgtc) |
Conference Steering Committee IEEE VAST (2008-10) (IEEE vgtc) |
Steering Group of the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization (2003-12) |
Advisory Board of the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (2004-07) |
Scientific Advisory Board of the Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung VRVis (2004-) |
Chairman Scientific Advisory Board Welsh Research Institute of Visual Computing (2009-2013) |
Scientific Advisory Board of the Wissenschaftscampus Tübingen (2011-) |
Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2007-2010) |
Conference Co-Chair Pacific Graphics 2016 |
Papers Co-Chair Eurographics 2012 |
Symposium Co-Chair IEEE PacificVis 2011 |
Papers Co-Chair IEEE PacificVis 2009 |
Papers Co-Chair IEEE VAST 2008 |
Papers Co-Chair EuroVIS 2006 |
Workshop Co-Chair Volume Graphics 2005 and Volume Graphics 2006 |
Program Co-Chair IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2004 |
Program Chair SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Graphics Hardware 2002 |
Co-Chair Dagstuhl Seminar “Scientific Visualization†2003 and 2005 |
Papers Co-Chair IEEE Visualization 2001 |
Papers Co-Chair IEEE Visualization 2000 |
Topic-Chair Volumetric Methods Eurographics 2003 and 2004 |
General Chair Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2001 |
IEEE VAST 2016 | Supercomputing 2015 | SIGRAD 2015 | SIBGRAPI 2016 |
EuroVis 2014 | PacificVis 2014 | SciVis 2013 | VAST 2013 |
SIGGRAPH 2011 | PacificGraphics 2011 | LDAV 2011 | SIBGRAPI 2011 |
EUROGRAPHICS 2007 | EUROVIS 2007 | EG PGV 2007 | SIBGRAPI 2007 |
SIGGRAPH 2006 | I3D 2006 | WSCG 2006 | Graphics Hardware 2006 |
WSCG 2006 | SimVis 2006 | EG PGV 2006 | CGI 2006 |
SIGGRAPH 2005 | I3D 2005 | WSCG 2005 | Graphics Hardware 2005 |
EuroVIS 2005 | VMV 2005 | SimVis 2005 | EG VE 2005 |
IEEE VIS 2004 | EG VisSym 2004 | WSCG 2004 | Graphics Hardware 2004 |
GI 2004 | VMV 2004 | SimVis 2004 | GI-FG Spiele |
Eurographics 2004 | EG PGV 2004 | GI-FG AR/VR |
Besides the reviewing duties related to program committee obligations I am reviewer for various journals (e.g. ACM TOG, EG CGF, IEEE CG&A, C&G, TVC) and conferences. |
I review proposals for the DFG, the Austrian FWF, the Canadian NSERC, and the Britisch Royal Society. |
I acted as a co-advisor for more than 49 PhD theses and 11 Habilitation theses. |
I wrote letters of reference for about numerous faculty positions in Germany (Berufungsgutachten) and for many tenure track or full professor positions worldwide. |
Distinguished Lecture SCI, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA 05.02.2016 |
56. Photogrammetrische Woche, Stuttgart 13.09.2015 |
International Supercomputing 2015, Frankfurt 15.07.2015 |
PacificVAST 2015, Hangzhou, China 14.04.2015 |
Shandong University, CS School, Jinan, China, 07.04.2015 |
Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China, 03.04.2015 |
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 02.04.2015 |
Estonian CS Summer School, Roosta, Estonia 18.-20-08.2014 |
Faraday Discussion 169, Nottingham, UK 08.05.2014 |
PacificVAST 2013, Sydney, Australia 26.02.2013 |
Keynote - ISVC 2013 - Crete, Greece, 30.07.2013 |
SEUS Day TU Dresden - TU Dresden, 12.10.2012 |
Alcatel-Lucent Lecture - Universität Stuttgart, 23.10.2012 |
Kexnote ISPDC 2012 - TU München, 29.06.2012 |
GMSV Summit 2012 - KAUST, Saudi Arabia, 26.04.2012 |
Informatiktag 2012 - Uni Erlangen, 20.04.2012 |
Keynote - Journee Visu - CEA Paris Bruyeres, France, 12.10.2011 |
HKUST Hong Kong 28.02.2011 |
Keynote - Visualization Workshop SIBGRAPI, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 28.09.2010 |
HIN Kolloquium Audi Forum Neckarsulm 14.07.2010 |
Keynote - Visual Computing Forum EG2010 Norrköping, Sweden, 03.05.2010 |
NTU Computer Science Colloquium, Taipei, Taiwan, 02.03.2010 |
Keynote - Congresso Espanol de Informatica Grafica 09.09.2009 |
G-CSC Kolloquium Frankfurt 16.07.2009 |
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen BaWü Symposium 14.07.2009 |
Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium Uni Stuttgart 07.07.2009 |
Informatik-Kolloquium Erlangen 25.05.2009 |
Keynote - Visual Computing FMX, Stuttgart 06.05.2009 |
Seminar Series Peking University Peking 20.04.2009 |
Keynote - Visual Computing Trends Wien, 28.01.2009 |
Informatik Kolloquium, Universität Koblenz 02.07.2008 |
Keynote PacificVis 2008, Kyoto, Japan 05.03.2008 |
SFB 656 Kolloquium, Universität Münster, 23.01.2008 |
Informatik Kolloquium, Universität Siegen, 05.12.2007 |
Keynote SIBGRAPI 2007, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien 08.10.2007 |
Keynote 51. Photogrammetrische Woche, Stuttgart 03.09.2007 |
5. Stuttgarter Medientage 09.11.2006 |
Symposium Informationsdesign, HdM Stuttgart 08.11.2006 |
Landespressekonferenz Baden-Württemberg 15.05.2006 |
Evans and Sutherland Distinguished Lecture, SCI Salt Lake City, Utah 27.03.2006 |
Informatik Kolloquium, Konstanz 08.02.2006 |
Keynote SimVis 2005, Magdeburg, 03.03.2005 |
Invited Talk VMV 2004, Stanford, 18.11.2004 |
Purdue University, 15.11.2004 |
Kolloquium ETH Zürich, 01.07.2004 |
Kolloquium VRVis, Wien, 24.06.2004 |
UPC Barcelona, 15.04.2004 |
Prorektor für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs der Universität Stuttgart (2015-
Dekan der Fakultät Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (2013-2015)
Mitglied des Forschungsrats (2012-)
Benutzerausschuss HLRS (2002-), RUS (2005-2007)
Stellv. Direktor Stuttgart Research Center (Exzellenzcluster) SimTech (2007-)
Stellvertretender Sprecher des SFB 716 (2006-)
Mitglied des Senatsausschusses Forschung und Technologie (2006-2011)
Mitglied (stellv.) des Senatsausschusses Lehre (2005-2006)
Sprecher des Institutsverbunds Informatik (2002-2003)
Geschäftsführender Direktor Institut für Informatik (2000-2002)
Vorsitzender Prüfungsausschuss Informatik und Softwaretechnik (2002-2006)
Vorsitzender und Mitglied unzähliger Berufungskommissionen