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  1. Börsch, Michael: 4th Handai Nano Symposium, invited by Prof. H. Noji (2008b). — Vortrag
  2. Alemdaroglu, Fikri E. ; Wang, Jie ; Börsch, Michael ; Berger, Rüdiger ; Herrmann, Andreas: Controling the size of nanoparticles by an enzymatic reaction. In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. Bd. 47 (2008a), Nr. 5
  3. Diepholz, Meikel ; Börsch, Michael ; Böttcher, Bettina: Structural organization of the V-ATPase and its implications for regulatory assembly and disassembly. In: Biochemical Society Transactions, Biochemical Society Transactions. Bd. 36 (2008), Nr. 5
  4. Börsch, Michael: Phototonics West (2008k). — Vortrag
  5. Börsch, Michael: MPI for Polymer Research, invited by Dr. Renate Naumann (2008i). — Vortrag
  6. Börsch, Michael: 2nd Advanced Imaging Workshop, invited by Becker & Hickl (2008a). — Vortrag
  7. Heitkamp, Thomas ; Kalinowski, René ; Böttcher, Bettina ; Börsch, Michael ; Altendorf, Karlheinz ; Greie, Jörg-Christian: K+- translocating KdpFABC P-type ATPase from Escherichia coli acts as a functional and structural dimer. In: Biochemistry, Biochemistry. Bd. 47 (2008), Nr. 11
  8. Börsch, Michael: 5th Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, invited by Becker & Hickl (2008c). — Vortrag
  9. Börsch, Michael: Biophysical Society 52nd Annual Meeting, Symposium „Mechanisms of ion pumps by time-resolved measurements“, invited by Dr. R. Naumann and the Bioenergetics subgroup, and Symposium „Mechanoenzymes“, invited by the Porgram Co-Chairs and Prof. S. Gilbert (2008d). — Vortrag
  10. Galvez, Eva María ; Düser, Monika G. ; Börsch, Michael ; Wrachtrup, Jörg ; Gräber, Peter: Quantum dots for single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer in membrane-integrated EF0F1. In: Biochemical Society Transactions, Biochemical Society Transactions. Bd. 36 (2008), Nr. 5
  11. Börsch, Michael ; Wrachtrup, Jörg: The electromechanical coupling within a single molecular motor. In: Baden-Württemberg, Eds. L. ; Schimmel, Th. ; Löhneysen, H. v. ; Obermair, Ch. ; Barczewski, M. (Hrsg.) ; Baden-Württemberg, Eds. L. ; Schimmel, Th. ; Löhneysen, H. v. ; Obermair, Ch. ; Barczewski, M. (Hrsg.): Nanotechnology - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Functional Nanostructures, Nanotechnology - Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Functional Nanostructures, 2008
  12. Börsch, Michael: Monitoring single ion transporters at work (2008h). — Vortrag
  13. Düser, Monika G. ; Bi, Yumin ; Zarrabi, Nawid ; Dunn, Stanley D. ; Börsch, Michael: The proton-translocating a subunit of FoF1-ATP synthase is allocated asymmetrically to the peripheral stalk. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Biological Chemistry. Bd. 283 (2008), Nr. 48
  14. Börsch, Michael: Meeting of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry; Talk presented by Monika Düser (2008g). — Vortrag
  15. Börsch, Michael: EBEC 2008 (2008e). — Vortrag
  16. Alemdaroglu, Fikri E. ; Wang, Jie ; Börsch, Michael ; Berger, Rüdiger ; Herrmann, Andreas: Enzymatische Kontrolle der Größe von DNA-Blockcopolymer-Nanopartikeln. In: Angewandte Chemie, Angewandte Chemie. Bd. 120 (2008b), Nr. 5
  17. Aird, Andrew: Untersuchungen von Struktur-Funktions-Beziehungen an Membranproteinen mittels Molekulardynamik-Simulationen, 3. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, 2008
  18. Zarrabi, Nawid ; Heitkamp, Thomas ; Greie, Jörg-Christian ; Börsch, Michael: Monitoring the conformational dynamics of a single potassium transporter by ALEX-FRET. In: Proceedings of SPIE 6862, Proceedings of SPIE 6862, 2008
  19. Börsch, Michael: MRC Cambridge, invited by Prof. Sir J. Walker (2008j). — Vortrag
  20. Peneva, Kalina ; Mihov, Gueorgui ; Herrmann, Andreas ; Zarrabi, Nawid ; Börsch, Michael ; Duncan, Thomas M. ; Müllen, Klaus: Exploiting the nitrilotriacetic acid moiety for biolabeling with ultrastable perylene dyes. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of the American Chemical Society. Bd. 130 (2008), Nr. 16
  21. Börsch, Michael: ICORP and Tokyo Institute of Technology, invited by Prof. M. Yoshida and Prof. T. Hisabori (2008f). — Vortrag
  22. Aird, Andrew ; Wrachtrup, Jörg ; Schulten, K. ; Tietz, C.: Possible Pathway for Ubiquinone Shuttling in Rhodospirillum rubrum Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulation Bd. 2007 (2007). — Vortrag