Rigid floating particles lead to abrasive wear in fluid machines, such as hydroelectric turbines or pumps. There are currently no simulation methods that allow to investigate such phaenomena. Experimental investigations of the basic wear processes by means of conventional measuring techniques are very costly or even impossible. Reasons are:
Gründe hierfür sind u.a.:
three dimensional flow processes that are affected by sedimentation
wear of sensors through the abrasive material or by very hot or corrosive fluids
- fluid haze prevents optical measurments
This project aims for the development of simulation methods for computer based investigations of the described phaenomena.
development of a hybride particle based simulation model for the simulation of
abrasive wear due to material removal and strain load
flow effects due to sedimentation
coupling between SPH (elastic solids), DEM and SPH (fluid)
massive-parallel implementation of the hybride simulation model based on the particle simulation plattform Pasimodo
validation of the model by means of comparisons with literature data, e.g. boundary forces in water jet cutting processes
Previous Work
F. Fleissner, A. Lehnart und P. Eberhard. Dynamic simulation of sloshing fluid and granular cargo in transport Vehicles, Vehicle System Dynamics, 48(1): 3-15, 2010
F. Fleissner, T. Haag, M. Hanss und P. Eberhard. Uncertainty Analysis for a Particle Model of granular Chute Flow, Computer Modelling in Engineering and Science (CMES), 52(2): 181-196, 2009
F. Fleissner und P. Eberhard. Parallel load balanced simulation for short range interaction particle methods with hierarchical particle grouping based on orthogonal recursive bisection, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74: 531-553, 2008
F. Fleissner. Parallel Object Oriented Simulation with Lagrangian Particle Methods, Band 16 in Schriften aus dem Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik der Universität Stuttgart, Shaker Verlag, 2010. Dissertation